Excavation Day
Today, we broke ground. Which, I guess, is the term for it, since the ground was broken up. However, we haven't started building, yet. Also, technically there will be another day of excavation, since they didn't get it all in one day. Last night, they left this loader in our front yard, and so far today, they've carved out our driveway and about half of our house, give it take. The loader was driven by a "younger man" (not my words, he's probably about my age) which, according to his supervisor, likes doing this to let out his aggression. Which makes sense, there are some days where I'd like to destroy a bunch of stuff, too.
I stopped by on my way home, and it was very exciting to actually be able to see some evidence of progress. The frustrating thing for the longest time is that up till now, we've been dealing with paperwork, which there's no way of knowing how much more there is. Being able to see exactly how much of our property has been cleared though, it makes it tangible. I can see that we'll be building soon.
I'm not sure if they're going to be running again tomorrow, but I wouldn't doubt it, seeing how quickly they were able to get to us, they must work every day to get jobs done, so they can move on to others.
In other news, we finished the lift on that F-150 from yesterday, and I'm fairly tired from it all. Well, my muscles are, and they want to recover, so I'm feeling the need to sleep.
Tomorrow evening, I'll be doing an engagement shoot for a lovely couple who wants me to also photograph their wedding. So, first thing in the morning, I'll be getting the gear all ready to go. I'm always excited before a shoot, so hopefully I'm rested enough to be all there, mentally.
With that, goodnight, everyone. I'll see you tomorrow.