May 10th 2017

Today... okay... today was a basket of wild and craziness. Well, one part of today was. I'm really trying to not dwell too much on it, because that's even worse of me, but hey, screw it. Today, like yesterday, we got kicked off a location that we like using for photographing and shooting video of vehicles. We're never doing anything more than parking, shooting, and leaving. And I get it, 90% of the time we don't have permission, mostly because they're open and public places or seemingly abandoned. However, suddenly, people are getting hyper-protective of their property. Which is strange, but I said I wouldn't talk politics, so I'll leave it at that. Also, I've got sunburns on my sunburns, and I'm fairly certain we almost had a dehydration issue had I not had a giant tumbler of water. So... summer is here, yeah? I'm thinking of just working until noon and then hiding from the sun for the rest of life. The crazy part is, obviously, I'm a Floridian... how is the sun/heat just NOW bothering me? Not sure. Maybe I'm just becoming old and complainy. Which would explain why I love trains. Which we saw another one today, and I was so excited. I always am. After I was done with all my shooting for the day, we picked up Oreo shakes for the whole team because we've been crushing it lately, and it was hot, and I was craving a sugary drink and I like including my whole team, well, the ones who were present, but still. I absolutely loved the look on the cashier's face when I asked for seven shakes. The person in the back making the shakes had to ask twice. Anyway... PHOTOS: 


May 11th 2017


May 9th 2017