Coming Up: A Trip to Las Vegas

This will be my fourth time not only going to Las Vegas, but also my fourth time going to the Specialty Equipment Market Association (or SEMA) Show. For those outside the know, the SEMA Show is, effectively, one of the largest autoshows in the US, and is considered the largest single event in Las Vegas.

I was actually thinking about the first time I ever went to Las Vegas the other day. It seemed all so fast. As if it was an overnight decision that I would go. I hadn't even really told anyone even in my family!

This year's trip has been talked over and planned out for a while, now, so I'm definitely ready. Minus all the packing and such, of course.

With that said, as always, I have media credentials, so I'll be able to post photos and videos from the actual event, so here's a list of places to follow me if you want to see more of the show, or just want to tag along for my adventures. I'm starting to think that I'm getting pretty good at Las Vegas, so maybe I know some cool places to go? We'll see.

Anyway, the list:

For those who aren't big on automotive things, I will try to keep my posting to a minimum, so no worries on that. I also don't know how much I'll be posting on YouTube, I'm meant to be working out there, so that will take priority over filming anything. Between being able to shoot on my phone and my camera, we'll see what I can pull off.


Coming Up: Desert Bus 2018


April 14th 2018 – House Projects