What is Blahg? How blahg?
GOT DAN WHY HAVE I NOT WRITTEN A SINGLE THING ON HERE SINCE BEFORE I LEFT FOR DESERT BUS???The answer is simple: I'm super forgetful and I have a one-track mind when I'm fairly stressed out.ANYHOW, back to our normal programming... The house is done! We've been working on this whole thing for over a year, now, and FINALLY we're moved in! Wow, so many things already written in all caps, I'm going to try to stray away from that for the rest of this post.Now that we're in the house, I've started the process of making the house a little more tech friendly. First up, I've finished terminating the ethernet lines, so now we have a nice little patch panel in our master bedroom closet, and a switch on it's way so every room will have gigabit ethernet. Which will be nice between my streaming office/studio and since we consume streaming content in the living room and bed room. For whatever reason, when wiring the house's ethernet, our electrician put a drop outside, so with that in mind, I'm thinking of putting a security camera out where it's at. Up next is connecting up our connected garage door opener. Which would have already come in handy with us leaving the house a couple times and eventually feeling unsure of whether or not we've closed the garage door.On a less technical side, I'm going to need to figure something out with our gutters. I am super inept when it comes to gutters, but I know I don't need my downspouts dumping water so close to my foundation, so some french drain creation is in my near future.Also, holy moly do we need some furniture.
On a programming related note: Let's See a Movie will be making a return now that we're no longer moving. The SpecialKolin Podcast will be back again, I promise. Also, I'm going to be doing some tech tests for the streaming office, but streams will hopefully resume, as long as those tests work out. Also, I really want to finish writing my Desert Bus 2017 retrospective, soooooo maybe eventually I'll publish it. God knows I want to. A short version can be found in this tweet from a couple weeks ago.