August 10th 2017
Hey. What's up? How's things going for you? I'm alright. Pretty sure I'm about to make a fool of myself at work, but whatever. I'm currently working on the Frankenstein's Monster project that is Attack of the Beards. The future of Attack of the Beards will be as a podcast/vidcast/vlog/broadcast network. Initially, I think we'll be focusing on getting content out, rather than focusing super hard on making everything perfect right out of the gate. This isn't my normal approach, buuuuuttttt, baby steps, you know. Currently, I have five shows that the Network will probably feature, granted their pilots turn out well, and their feasibility is high as far as production time is concerned, we'll move on with them. I'm keeping five more shows in my back pocket for the time being, one of which will probably never get made, since it literally has "asshole" in the title. Either way. This weekend, I'm going to turn the Patreon back on, and I'm going to finish up writing the formats for the shows, so that we have a template for how the shows will flow. I should probably actually finish writing the business plan, but, I'm not sure if I'm going to kickstart this or just stick to Patreon. We'll see. My neck and head are completely relaxed.