September 11th, 2017
Hurricane Irma has come and gone. We spent our Friday setting up sand bags at our back door and securing our grill closer indoors. Sarah and I then settled in for the evening. The air was nice and cool, there was a soft breeze, you'd hardly notice there was a category 4 hurricane headed your way.Saturday, we did what two home bodies would do, we slept in, watched some TV, I played some Destiny 2, and cooked some of our perishable food. Irma was just starting to make landfall in Florida, still category 4.
Sunday morning, I woke up around 6am for no apparent reason. I then booted up my MacBook Pro and set up a weather stream. I had a camera facing out our window with a current weather radar showing the area, the local weather conditions, and the reported conditions of Irma. The stream lasted a whole 11 hours before we finally lost power. After getting the stream running, I played a little more Destiny 2 (by the way, I'm really enjoying it, I might go into more detail at some point). It had been alternating between raining very lightly a little heavily all day, and eventually we had the idea to take a nap. Finally, around 8pm, the power went out. By 10pm, we made our way out to our front porch and watched the storm with our neighbor and his dad. We even got to watch green flashes of light illuminate the sky every time lightning struck electrical equipment. It was very twilight-zone-y. By about midnight, I was feeling tired again, so we had made a go at going back to sleep.
It's really difficult to sleep in complete silence. Especially when you're used to having some form of white noise. The howl of the wind, and the noises from the dogs kept me up and down all night. Around 2am, I finally was completely asleep. Then again, 5am rolled around, and I was wide awake again. It was quiet, too quiet. We were in the eye. Naturally, I got up, got dressed, and went outside to check it out.
Eventually, we got back to sleep with the peace of knowing what our neighborhood looked like. Around noon we got out of bed and moseyed the dogs outside for another walk. On our way back to the house, we noticed that one of the houses had a light on outside. Then, people started popping out of their houses to exclaim "WE'VE GOT POWER!"
Due to all the damage outside our little neighborhood, neither of us really have work tomorrow, still. I hope everyone is safe and doing well.