Twenty Eight
I honestly don't believe that I'm 28, but here I am, laying in bed watching a movie that I haven't seen since 1998 (Lost in Space, if yo nasty), eating a Twix ice cream bar, and posting things to SnapChat. That's what adults do, right? I'll probably figure it out soon. Today, we went to the Fountain of Youth archeological park for the first time, and got to learn more about the First Nations that lived here, and that one may have even immigrated here from Mexico over 4,000 years ago. I really do find it awesome to learn things like this about our past. It's always good to know where you've been, so you know where you're going next.
After that, we did our typical walk around old town Saint Augustine, which was surprisingly normal since the hurricanes had blown through this past summer. I'm glad to see that the city is so resilient in the face of hardship.
Most of today, I had my Fujifilm X-T2 with the 27mm pancake lens, and as predicted, it was great for walking around on the streets. I definitely look forward to seeing what the photos look like when I get them into Light Room at home.
Later, we went to our usual spot, the Black Molly Grill, for dinner. We both got steaks, as usual, and they were perfect as always. After, we went out to the beach.
Naturally, by this point, it was dark outside, so there wasn't much to see, but I only wanted to stand in the stillness of the night and listen to the waves crashing against the shore and feel the wind blow.
It was the perfect ending to the perfect day. Next, we're going to have to head home. Lame.